5 Team Members Every Serious Internet Marketer Needs « The Blog of Matthew Loop

5 Team Members Every Serious Internet Marketer Needs

The saying comes to mind, “You can’t do it alone!” This definitely holds true for internet entrepreneurs. Six and seven figure earners online don’t work in their business, they work ON their business. Their energy is focused on creating new products / services and expanding current ones. They’re the ones with the vision.

If online marketing is just some “hobby” for you, then don’t take the advice in this post. However if you’re serious about rapid and strategic growth into the 5-6 figure per month range, I’d recommend you start building your team.

Face it, there are people who are trained experts that can do things much better than you ever thought about doing in a particular area.

Yes, you can learn many aspects of internet marketing BUT you should be thinking about putting systems (or people) in place to delegate what you learn to have it running 24/7.

The BIGGEST mistake an online entrepreneur can make is trying to be the jack of all trades and not hiring their weaknesses. Below are 5 team members every serious internet marketer should either have as a freelancer (on call) or an employee.

1) Programmer / Webmaster

Having a programmer is so valuable and will save you countless hours of time, energy, and effort wasted on figuring out how to do a website, landing page, or insert a code / script. Don’t make the fatal mistake of trying to figure everything out yourself. Your time is money so guard it carefully.

2) Ghostwriter

Hiring a ghostwriter for freelance work or as an employee is one of the best decisions you’ll make as an online entrepreneur. They can do research, write great articles, blog posts, or even transcribe videos for you. No longer will you have to worry about generating new and fresh content.

3) Link-builder

Links are like votes on the internet. Whoever has the most links from the highest authority web properties usually wins the SEO game and ranks #1 on Google. With a savvy link builder and experienced guidance, it’s basically point and shoot. You pick-off those keywords you’ve researched one by one.

4) Your handy-man or woman

This is a person that’s trained in how to submit the content you create like videos, articles, press releases, and blog posts. They can also handle your customer support side of things or manage your ppc advertising. You might even train them how to edit the videos you create or do keyword research. The bottom line is they’re like your clone and can step-in seamlessly to do what you need.

5) Project manager (PM)

Quite possibly the most essential role for an aggressively growing business online. They are the ones that manage your employees so you can have your hands free and continue doing what you do best… creating and expanding! They should have their finger on the pulse of what is going on day to day in your business. You’ll hit a ceiling on your income if you don’t find a good PM.

Once I assembled my team and the system was built, my online income took a giant leap. I wish I would’ve had these go-to specialists early-on because it would’ve accelerated my business growth.

There’s only so much time in a day and you can never truly manage time. You only can manage activity.

If you’re just starting out, you might not be in a position to bring on a full-time team either. That’s where being able to hire professionals on a freelance, per project basis comes in handy.

There is a systematic strategy and blueprint to researching, finding, and hiring the best outsourcing providers. It’s not always about price. Quality is the MOST important.

I’ve developed a unique ability to be able to find good quality workers for under $3 / hour overseas.

That’s good for some positions but NOT others. It’s important to know when to pay the premium and when not to. If you’re interested in learning a step-by-step outsourcing strategy that’s built close to a million dollar yearly online business, then apply for one-on-one coaching at this link.

As mentioned before, if you’re serious about growing your online business and making exponentially more money, you’ll need stop trying to do everything yourself. Begin to get your team together today!

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About the Author

Matthew Loop is an author, speaker, investor, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. He helps brands, startups, and small business owners multiply their influence, impact, and income by harnessing the power of the Internet. Since 2005 he’s trained over 21,000 clients in 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online. Connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


2 Responses to “5 Team Members Every Serious Internet Marketer Needs”

  1. Kaviance says:

    Hey Matt,

    Just wondering. How do you go about finding a really good PM?

  2. Matthew Loop says:

    You can find PM’s in many places like Craigslist, Odesk or through a Google search. Sometimes it helps if they’ve been in your organization, starting as one of the regular workers. Then, over time you’ve showed them new and different aspects of your business. Eventually, they’ll know the ins and outs as well as you.

    The PM hiring / qualifying component is a separate ball-game, though…

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