Business Owners Upset and OUTRAGED with Facebook? « The Blog of Matthew Loop

Business Owners Upset and OUTRAGED with Facebook?

It’s no big secret that it’s MUCH harder for your Facebook posts to go viral and actually reach all of your friends / fans. We’ve seen a steady decline in this regard over the last couple years on our end as well as clients. Personally, I started to notice right around the time Facebook introduced sponsored stories.

This was their initial successful attempt to get businesses to pay for valuable real estate within their fans news-feeds to guarantee that those connected saw your message.

Heck, I was one of those that was spending like crazy since sponsored story ads were so dirt-cheap per click.

In fact, I spent over 100k of my own money so I could have the reliability of accessing my targeted audience.

The next major move to get businesses to pay for news feed exposure was the launch of Facebook’s promoted posts, which rolled-out not too long ago. Without a doubt, they are effective.

However, the question begs, “why should I have to pay for news feed exposure in order to disseminate my message to the fans that I’ve spent hard work, time, and money (on the social network) acquiring?”

What the fuck (WTF), Facebook?

Truthfully, I’m disappointed that Facebook is making businesses pay MORE and more money to reach the fan-bases they’ve worked like crazy to organically build.

The social network is purposely limiting exposure so if you want to make any sizeable impact, you need to shell-out the dollars. It’s like the web 1.0 publishing gatekeepers are coming back.

Yes, Facebook is now a full-fledged business more than ever with a direct obligation to share holders… but COME-ON. It’s as if they’ve turned their back on what made them so popular in the first place.

This is all the more reason to build an email list OFF of Facebook like what I’ve been teaching for years. You spend less and generate more revenue in the long-run this way. Never put your total faith and trust in a platform where you don’t have full control.

Don’t get me wrong, the social network is still a great way to attract exposure, traffic, new customers, patients, and clients. But, just how long will its users tolerate the increasing exploitation is up for grabs?

What do you think about this? I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Are you observing the same trend? Leave a comment below to voice your opinion…

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About the Author

Matthew Loop is an author, speaker, investor, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. He helps brands, startups, and small business owners multiply their influence, impact, and income by harnessing the power of the Internet. Since 2005 he’s trained over 21,000 clients in 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online. Connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


2 Responses to “Business Owners Upset and OUTRAGED with Facebook?”

  1. Dr. Eric says:

    I spent over $300 on Facebook ads and I didn’t get even one patient out of them. I won’t use Facebook for advertising any more.

  2. Matthew Loop says:

    Hey Dr. Eric… Sorry to hear that and I understand your frustration. Facebook ads can be run effectively, but they have to be ran differently that a ppc medium like Google Adwords. You also have to be careful about paying over a dollar per click with them.

    The traffic is not search traffic on the social network so it’s best to bring visitors back to a landing page inside of Facebook with an ethical bribe. When you build an email list of prospective patients, that’s where the power is.

    Just refine and tweak your campaigns a bit.

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