How to Deal with Blog Critics and Haters « The Blog of Matthew Loop

How to Deal with Blog Critics and Haters

Hello from sunny San Diego! I flew-in a few days ago for a big internet marketing event and to hang-out with my sister for a little. SoCal is one of my favorite travel destinations in the States. I was out in the PB area having lunch near the water enjoying the scenery.

I cannot even begin to describe how therapeutic the ocean is. Anyway, I came across a great video and wanted to share it with you.

Below, is an excellent keynote titled How to Deal with Haters by best selling author and fellow adventurer, Tim Ferris. In it, he reveals 7 critical points to keep in mind when dealing with others that try to sabotage your success.

I speak from first-hand experience. When you start crushing-it, making a name for yourself, and building your own mass audience …. you’ll have others that are jealous or just don’t like you for whatever reason.

Sometimes you’ll have people attack you, write misleading information, and try to make your life just miserable. The first few times this happened to me, it was like someone had punched me in the stomach.

The feeling was awful.

I recall I even had one person write a horrible 1 star review on for my book, which he basically he admitted he never read. I learned quickly to have a “thick skin,” though.

I also discovered when to respond and when NOT to respond. In the video below, Tim gives some of the best advice I’ve heard on how to effectively deal with haters. Check it out and let me know what you think or if you’ve had similar experiences.


If you want to check out his post directly, you can go to

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About the Author

Matthew Loop is an author, speaker, investor, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. He helps brands, startups, and small business owners multiply their influence, impact, and income by harnessing the power of the Internet. Since 2005 he’s trained over 21,000 clients in 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online. Connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


One Response to “How to Deal with Blog Critics and Haters”

  1. Watched and enjoyed this video. Anytime you do something out of the ordinary you run the risk of criticism. The question we should ask ourselves: are we guided by our own internal compass, or do we just blow with the winds and get tossed on the rocks. The word is full of do nothing critics. From the time we enter school and later college then a j.o.b. (just over broke) we are exposed to conformist institutions for the sake of control. Critics are never satisfied and merely seek to exert some level of control over those they criticize. Its the thinkers and doers who change the world, not critics. Keep on keeping on.

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