Chiropractic Marketing Tools that Work « The Blog of Matthew Loop

Chiropractic Marketing Tools that Work

Here’s a quick video that features powerful Web 2.0 chiropractic marketing tools, primarily YouTube Insight. I also put-an-end once and for all to the question, “Is social media just for teenagers and out of your New Patient drawing demographic?”

This chiropractic marketing tool will surprise you and you may be shocked by the statistics and analytics.

Continued success!

– Matthew Loop

PS – Don’t be shy. Tell me your thoughts, leave a comment and rate the video 🙂

About the Author

Matthew Loop is an author, speaker, investor, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. He helps brands, startups, and small business owners multiply their influence, impact, and income by harnessing the power of the Internet. Since 2005 he’s trained over 21,000 clients in 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online. Connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


5 Responses to “Chiropractic Marketing Tools that Work”

  1. That is great news! I never would have guessed that people in that age range were watching Youtube.


    Dr Doug
    Shoreview, MN Chiropractor

  2. John says:

    Thanks Matt, Keep up the good work.

    I also tried to email you re Dr Len and your recent offer, I really
    have a lot of clients who could use it , I would like to touch base on that.



  3. Pretty amazing, I was one who thought it was more for the younger generation. Thanks

  4. every day people are more and more wachting videos online!!

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