New York Times « The Blog of Matthew Loop

Posts Tagged ‘New York Times’

There is NO Good or Bad Economy, Just YOUR Economy

A couple days ago, I came across this great video by New York Times best-selling author, Grant Cardone. It’s so spot-on that I had to share it with you. Those that are prepared with THRIVE and prosper in this new economy. Click the play button below and let me know your thoughts after.     […]

“Draw Something” Sold for 200 MILLION!! (Now, it’s Your Turn)

Yesterday, I was skimming the New York Times and saw this article about an iPhone gaming app, Draw Something. This app was developed just 6 weeks ago and sold for a WHOPPING 200 million to Zynga! By the way, the company that created the app was almost bankrupt. How crazy is that?? WOW.. Ever notice […]