5 Things I Really Love About Being a Dad
Posted by Matthew Loop | 1 Comment
My son is a year and a half old at the moment. Ever since he was born, I’ve enjoyed this new adventure called Fatherhood. As a matter of fact, I love it! I find myself regularly reflecting on what I consider to be the best and most rewarding aspects of being a dad.
So, I wanted to share them on this blog with you. For time purposes, I just included the five reasons that came to mind first. They are in no particular order.
1) I love seeing Ethan’s smile first thing in the morning when he wakes-up.
We’re very fortunate he sleeps usually 9 to 11 hours per night on average. He always starts the day early, happy and enthused about life.
When I walk into his room and call his name, he gives me a HUGE ear-to-ear smile. It’s the coolest thing and one of the best moments of my day.
I then proceed to give him a bear hug and say I love you. After, we make a pit stop at the diaper change station then we’re ready to play.
2) I’m grateful I get to consistently train him for success.
Children are like sponges.
They observe and pick-up more than we think sometimes. I want to give him the head-start I didn’t get early-on in life with repetition and positive reinforcement.
I’m always telling Ethan what a champion he is, how handsome he is, how intelligent he is, what an effective communicator his is, how athletic he is, how special he is, and that he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to.
Encouragement is critical at a young age and affirmations are important daily.
I want him to understand there are NO LIMITS to what he can do, and / or achieve in life. He has so much opportunity and I’ve got his back 100%.
3) I like that he already has an abundance mentality.
Ethan likes to share. He knows there’s more than enough food and toys to go around. He even tries to feed me sometimes. It’s great! He has a genuine concern for others. This will carry him well throughout life.
4) I love watching Ethan be outgoing and kind.
He randomly waves to strangers (mostly women) and smiles. People practically melt when they see him. It’s so funny… he and I will be walking in the mall while mom is shopping.
Then, she’ll come-back and literally see a crowd of beautiful women around his stroller. I then have to make sure my wife understands that Ethan is the one grabbing the attention. It’s really a site to see… lol.
5) I enjoy that my son eats healthy and likes it.
He’s eaten organic greens since he was a baby. The overwhelming majority of his diet is organic fruits, vegetables and sometimes free range or grass-fed beef. It makes me proud.
He even loves to drink a green supplement called Perfect Food. This is ultra-healthy but tastes like dirt and grass. He’s had candy a couple times but he spits it out because it’s too sweet.
Nutrition is one of the the foundations of a healthy body and I’m grateful he’s so healthy and developing empowering habits.
Words cannot express how incredibly grateful I am for my family.
Ethan has brought a new dimension of life and happiness to our world. I just want to empower him at a young age with the tools to live a long, healthy life of prosperity and abundance. I want him to know we’re in this together.
This boy is unique and destined for greatness.
It’s wonderful to watch him discover new sights, sounds, foods, activities, body parts, and all life has to offer. I never imagined being a dad could be so amazing.
Are you a parent? What do you enjoy most about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts…
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Wow, your kid’s so cute. Love the blog!