5 COSTLY Mistakes Chiropractors Make When Doing Webinars
Posted by Matthew Loop | 1 Comment
Webinars are incredibly HOT right now and for good reason. This chiropractic practice marketing medium allows you as high as 30% conversions in some cases. That means, if you have 100 attendees at your event, 30 of them will become patients or buy your products or services.
On the low-end, a 10% conversion is seen, which is still good.
No other internet marketing method on the planet converts as well as a strategically planned webinar. Here’s the problem, though. Many doctors go into webinars haphazardly and unprepared!
They wind-up making VERY costly rookie errors.
If you’re going to take the time to put a big, impactful event like this together, you might as well do it right the first time.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Here are 5 of the MOST COMMON mistakes chiropractors make when using webinars:
1. Selecting an unspecific and generic title:
The title of your teleseminar is a make-or-break success factor. In fact, many of your prospective or active patients will decide whether or not to register for your call based solely on the name of the event! Emotion drives everything people do so your title needs to generate a distinct emotional response from your audience.
They need to stop dead in their tracks and think, “No way I can miss this information.”
For instance, say your doing a webinar for a weight loss program. A generic title would be, “How to lose 25 pounds in 25 days.” This is ok and the title makes a promise. It’s better than just “How to lose weight fast.”
However, an even better title sparks an emotional response. Look at this one. “Lose 25 lbs in one month?: Turn heads and feel sexier than you have in years in less than 30 days.” Can you see the difference?
2. Way too much clutter on the registration / landing page:
The truth is, your webinar landing pages exist for one reason… period! Their job is to get your patients (or prospective ones) to register for a specific event. That’s it. Don’t fill-up your landing pages with anything that isn’t 100% relevant to the webinar the page promotes.
Let’s keep it brain-dead simple. Include only the name of your webinar, details of the call (date/time), 4-5 compelling bullet points about the content you’re delivering, and an easy registration form.
Anything else is distracts, confuses and will cause would-be registrants to bounce-off your page.
3. No follow-up between registration and the webinar:
Just because they signed-up to attend does not mean they’ll actually show up. In fact, if you don’t remind your registrants about your call, less than 50% of them will be at the event.
Face it… people are incredibly busy these days and will forget the exact date and time of your webinar if you don’t remind them numerous times.
Send a minimum of 3 reminders. Use these reminder emails as a way to re-excite folks about your webinar. Includw enticing bullet points that tease the content you’ll be presenting. That way they’ll remember both things… when to be there and why they should.
4. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to arise:
There’s NO such thing as a perfect webinar. Let’s get that straight right away. Don’t waste precious months or even years, trying to do your first one. It’s more important to get the event done quickly than done perfectly (especially your first webinar).
Even when things don’t go necessarily as planned, if you’re offering something the attendee desperately wants. That alone will help you run a profitable webinar if you know what you’re doing.
Here’s something crazy… One of the most common testimonials I get is from coaching clients who were certain they did everything wrong and still came-away with patients and sales. Don’t sit idle on the fence.
Each webinar will get easier and become more profitable as you tweak and revise the previous one.
5. Sounding like you’re reading verbatim from a script:
This is the kiss of death! If you’ve ever called a customer service number with an issue, then you understand the danger of this webinar no-no. Reading from a script only makes you sound scripted.
One of the most powerful factors of running a webinar is that hearing your voice and seeing the presentation screen makes attendees feel like you’re a real person they know and can trust.
On the other hand, when you sound scripted like a mindless robot, you take that feeling away.
A great way to deliver your webinar is by using an outline of the key points you want to make. In The ULTIMATE Webinar Marketing Blueprint for Chiropractors you’ll discover the most powerful guide (21 pages) in chiropractic that helps you write a webinar script that guarantees high conversions.
This document is CHOCK-FULL of proven influence and persuasion strategies that get people to take action.
Before your event, though, it’s important to read through the outline you develop several times. This will help make your delivery smoother sounding and more natural.
What I’ve just laid-out are the five most common webinar marketing errors I’ve seen based on my experience. In total, there are actually 18 costly mistakes chiropractors make when doing these types of presentations.
To find-out the rest of them and to access our revolutionary new practice-growth training, visit this link.
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Looking forward to the webinar blueprint!