[Replay] Facebook Marketing for Chiropractors in 2014
Posted by Matthew Loop | 0 Comments
Hey Doc… Feedback from last night’s practice-building call has been POURING in!! As expected, all 197 lines were packed with chiropractors eager to implement the new Facebook changes to gain a serious competitive advantage.
The doctors in attendance got a great hook-up, too. Why? Because showing-up is half the battle in life. The info presented is CRITICAL to your success online this year.
As mentioned previously, Facebook made another sneaky adjustment to their news feed algorithm.
It affects every single one of us that use the social network. The problem is only going to worsen, too.
Did you miss the event?
No problem, I have your back. Click the play button below to listen-in on the replay. Time is off the essence. Make it a priority to listen-in today.
[audio:https://dcincome.com/blog/wp-content/audio/facebook2014.mp3]What was shared could easily BOOST your new patient numbers from the internet in no time.
Listen to the call, take notes, and implement what you learn. Then, prepare for an influx of referrals into your office from Facebook!
Here’s what you’ll discover on the training call:
1. The BIGGEST myth that surrounds Facebook practice marketing. Many docs are going broke and are frustrated because they’re making this critical error.
2. How to FINALLY get your status updates seen again by the majority of your fans / friends. This one thing alone skyrockets your reach and influence.
3. The MOST costly mistake 95% of chiropractors are making when attempting to use Facebook Ads. (can’t believe some of the “gurus” still teach this nonsense)
4. How to really get an EXTRA 8-12 New Patients per month just by using Facebook. (based on REAL testing from a chiropractor that has a practice who’s worked with 7,100 docs)
5. The best organic (free) ways to get more traffic, exposure, and referrals from the social network.
6. What IMAGES pull traffic and clicks like crazy. (you couldn’t stop the traffic even if you wanted to)
7. The RIGHT way to follow-up with an interested lead on Facebook. 99% of chiropractors NEVER do this.
8. How to get the cheapest quality traffic money can buy on Facebook … AND unlimited amounts of it. These TRICKS will reduce your cost per click on Facebook by 75%!
9. How to get way more people OFF of Facebook and into your office. This is the MOST important lesson… period!
10. And much more…
Here’s what to do next
Click the play button on the above audio player to listen to the recorded replay.
Facebook has pulled some sneaky stuff of late and FURTHER crippled news feed distribution for many. It’s critical to stay up-to-date if you want to continue to get traffic, recognition, and new patients from the social network.
Some are saying this is one of the best calls I’ve ever held for chiropractors. It’s certainly one of the most timely. Check-out what Dr. Wahl had to say here.
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