The #1 Hollywood Video Marketing Persuasion Secret « The Blog of Matthew Loop

The #1 Hollywood Video Marketing Persuasion Secret

I’ve been using video in my internet marketing arsenal since 2006 for my online affiliate ventures and chiropractic practice. Throughout that time, I’ve noted certain conversion tactics that work better than others at getting people to become motivated and take the action you want after your video has completed. This blog post is going to focus on one of them. As we all know, it’s great to put yourself / your message in front of people in a multi-media fashion … but if you can’t “convert” that viewer into a lead in your marketing funnel (and ultimately a customer), then it doesn’t matter.

The ninja strategy that I want to reveal to you today has to do with adding a powerful musical soundtrack to your videos as the final touch in a calculated emotional cascade of events.  I’ve heard it said before that emotion is the seat of “motion,” meaning that if you know how to stimulate emotion in a potential customer, it will dramatically increase the odds of them getting fired-up so they’ll take action. Subsequently, there’s no better way to elicit strong emotional feeling than with certain forms of music.

On a related subject, you can observe that the words above ring true in any person that’s ever accomplished anything on a grand scale in their life. Their ideas and thoughts led to a super-charged emotional state that ultimately fueled their actions, helping them realize their goal. There’s no denying the power in getting emotionally involved with an idea, concept, or product.

Think of what Hollywood does in their movie trailers and many times in the movies themselves. Ever really pay attention to how the music influences your mood? It’s astonishing! Try watching Gladiator or Forest Gump and see how the music affects you as the story-line plays. It can be the ultimate persuasive and motivation tool in many cases.

The music, suspense, and curiosity in Hollywood mover trailers help to drive multi-million dollar box office sales month-in and month-out while selling out shows! We should all take notes here.

Music is one of those factors that totally flies under the radar for many marketers but it can be HUGE at influencing a prospect and making a great first impression. Below, is a video that was created for my landing page at It was originally made so I could split-test and see if out-performed my previous page and video. Needless to say, the conversion rate turned out to be much higher with this video. Why? Watch it now and see if you can figure it out. Make sure to TURN YOUR SPEAKERS UP, too!

QUESTION: What’s your favorite movie soundtrack and why? Leave a comment below and let everyone know 😉

– Matt

PS – For some hot spots to get quality royalty-free music of all types, simply Google “royalty free music” and the search results will bring back dozens of popular sites. Pay attention to the length of your video, too. If your video is 30 seconds, try to find an exact 30 second royalty free sound clip. The less cutting and splicing, the better.

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About the Author

Matthew Loop is an author, speaker, investor, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. He helps brands, startups, and small business owners multiply their influence, impact, and income by harnessing the power of the Internet. Since 2005 he’s trained over 21,000 clients in 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online. Connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


3 Responses to “The #1 Hollywood Video Marketing Persuasion Secret”

  1. Kali says:

    It’s a good idea for Hollywood movie marketing. Thanks for publishing this 🙂

  2. Jason Ulsrud says:

    Not that it’s my favorite soundtrack, but I can definitely recall it over just about every other soundtrack. Star Wars.

    Great post Doc. I’m getting ready to start a series of webisodes for my website and looking to see what’s the best tactics for super success. I think you’re right on target here and a lot can be learned from hollywood. I also look a lot to the editorial aspects of Reality TV. Whether one likes it or not, it’s what’s hot.

    Thanks doc.

  3. Matthew Loop says:

    Nice Jason… Star Wars is so classic and the musical theme is unforgettable!

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